The Beaumont de Lomagne racecourse is a major horse trotting venue in France. Often referred to as the Petit Vincennes, this racecourse has excellent facilities for the public and professionals.
The Société des Courses de Beaumont was founded in 1875 by Baron Alphonse de Ruble, who set up the first racecourse in the lower town. In 1925, it was moved to Bordevieille and since then, a number of improvements have been made: pink sand track, stands, changing rooms, timing equipment, video monitoring room, panoramic restaurant, 85 boxes, a weighing station...
All of these features make the Beaumont racecourse a must-visit for horse racing fans.
Ligne d'arrivée hippdrome de Beaumont de Lomagne
Trainers, breeders, stud farms, sulky manufacturers. .. many of them have settled near the racecourse and benefit from the Bordevieille facilities. When you arrive in Beaumont de Lomagne it is not unusual to see horses out in the fields or being harnessed up (in the early hours) ready for champion training.
Courses hippiques à l'hippodrome de Beaumont de Lomagne. G.Cassaro
Every year, the Beaumont de Lomagne racecourse hosts the national tiercé, quarté quinté +, every 4 years the national race "Le grand prix du sud-ouest" and also a stage of the "Grand National du trot", which is a European event. Top riders in this discipline regularly meet up in Lomagne.
In addition to the 15 annual races (dates for 2022 are still to be confirmed), the racecourse offers visitors entertainment and festivities: egg hunts, bank holidays, fireworks , a ball, shows... as well as providing an idyllic setting for private receptions.
The Bordevieille racecourse, commonly known as "Le Petit Vincennes", was honoured by the Republican Guard in 2008 during the bicentenary celebrations of the Tarn et Garonne department.
cheval trotteur fraçais hippodrome de Beaumont de Lomagne
Spend a day at the racecourse and enjoy being able to be in direct contact with the horses, the atmosphere that pervades the racecourse, the green surroundings of Bordevieille and finally the panoramic restaurant with its renowned and talented chef.
Restaurant panoramique à l'hippodrome de Bordevieille. Beaumont de Lomagne. G.Cassaro
Ferrage des chevaux à l'hippodrome de Bordevieille