Eglise de Larrazet et son retable. Laetis
This village is nestled in the Gimone valley and is dominated by the imposing octagonal bell tower of the church, which contains a 17th century Baroque altarpiece. The village conceals a bastide with its old half-timbered houses, narrow streets lined with covers, and the remains of ramparts.
Once past the Garonne you enter the Lomagne, and Larrazet is the first village that you pass through. It sets the tone for your visit with its ever-changing landscape and the peaceful Gimone strays between shady and green areas.
This fairly wide valley is bordered by sloping land, all of which is farmed, giving it the hilly appearance so typical of the Lomagne region.
Village de Larrazet en Lomagne. Lesbroz
Built entirely from ashlar, St Madeleine's church is of impressive dimensions: the nave is 45m long, 8.5m wide and 12m high. On the outside, the walls are supported by solid, heavy hewn stone buttresses that are 1.30 m wide. The octagonal bell tower, built out of the ground, rises to a height of 30m
Décors église de Larrazet. Laetis
In 1686, the village priest ordered the construction of an altarpiece on the back wall of the central nave. Using a solid oak structure, sculptors created a series of scenes, statues and decoration.
They brought to life a surprising aspect: a 60 m² wall building. It was all sculpted directly without the use of moulds, relying on the skill of the craftsmen with their patient and determined expertise, rich in experience in these matters... these men have modelled a vision of their world, interpreting biblical stories, and finding the boundary between the profane and the sacred.
Détail du retable baroque de Larrazet. laetis
The Johan de Cardailhac abbey castle dominates the Gimone valley. Its flamboyant Gothic façade is punctuated by mullioned windows. One of the main original features is the rib-vaulted staircase, the handrail of which is carved directly into the stone and revolves around a central core, with a room exiting from each level.
The rooms contain French ceilings and fireplaces with large moulded strips. On the first level are large round-vaulted cellars and a small rib-vaulted room in brick and stone, all of which rest on bases decorated with plant or human designs.
There are several rib-vaulted staircases in the Lomagne region, such as the one in the Château de Larrazet. There is also one in the Château de Gramont.
Façade extérieure du château de Larrazet. laetis
Take a breather and enjoy a picnic on the banks of the Gimone in the shade of the hundred-year-old plane trees.
Maison de Larrazet